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5 Fun Library Activities to Welcome Kids Back to School

Kids Reading

Once school lets out, kids are ready to spend all their time outside, playing and having fun. But when they return to the classroom in September, kids often need an adjustment period before they’re able to get into the swing of things again. To help your children settle back into their school schedule, engage them with these fun library activities designed just for them!

1) Scavenger Hunt

A library scavenger hunt is a great way to get kids excited about being back in the library. Plus, it’s a great way to help them familiarize themselves with their surroundings. To create a scavenger hunt, simply make a list of objects or books that are hidden throughout the library. Then, have the kids search for them. For an added challenge, you can time them to see how fast they can find everything.

2) Map The Library

Your students will benefit from reviewing the Dewey Decimal System at the beginning of the year. Review with them how the DDS is organized by subject and then give them a map of the library to mark sections on their own. Encourage them to read books in these sections and learn about new topics! They could also compete to read a book from each section of the library before the end of the school year in order to earn a reward.

3) Secret Messages

One fun activity to do in the library is to have students put encouraging sayings on scraps of paper to hide in their favorite books. When another student finds a scrap, they can read the note, then put it back so they can be found again by someone else. The next time you go into your favorite book, you might find a secret message waiting for you!

4) Book Tracker

Book tracking is a great way to get kids excited about reading. All you need is a printer and some clear wall space. Print out book covers of books your students have read over the summer and during the school year, and hang them up in the library. As they read more books, they can add them to their tracker. This is a great way to encourage kids to keep reading all year long!

5) Blind (Book) Dates

Have a student who doesn’t know what to read? Give them a blind date with a book! Put a selection of books in opaque paper and write clues about the contents on the outside. Keep these handy for indecisive students to choose from, and they just might find their next favorite book! It is a great way for students to explore genres they might not normally choose and expand their horizons.
